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There needs to be individual seats

Reported via mobile in the Damage - seating in shelter category anonymously at 12:32, Tue 15 February 2022

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS3312945.

Needs to be indivual seats as it doesn't hold many people on the bench and when people sit on it. It makes very loud noise and isn't comfortable.

There needs to be a cover so there's a door you can open and close when waiting for the bus so you don't get drenched or freezing cold.

The bus stop opposite needs a shelter as lots of people use that one too and there's shelter so when it's raining or cold your getting wet and freezing cold. There needs to be a shelter there and needs indivual chairs as there isn't any seating there and elderly as well as adults use both stops

Needs Urgent sorting and work done

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  • State changed to: not TfL’s responsibility

    Updated by TfL at 12:44, Tue 15 February 2022

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