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Found an abandoned boris bike in Nutfield Surrey

Reported via mobile in the Abandoned Santander Cycle category anonymously at 13:19, Mon 20 March 2023

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS4335300.

I found an abandoned Santander bike near the dog and duck pub in nutfield Surrey and put it in the back of my car as it was littering the countryside, and it is awaiting your collection… whomever dumped it there must’ve cycled the 20 miles from london

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  • Please provide us with an address and a time/date to collect the bike from

    Posted anonymously at 13:23, Mon 20 March 2023

  • Thank you for your report. Although we can't give you individual updates at the moment, we will use your information to recover Santander Cycles as quickly as possible.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by TfL at 16:39, Mon 27 March 2023

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