No warning of bus disruption
Reported via desktop in the Roadworks category anonymously at 11:03, Fri 21 April 2023
Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS4469665.
I checked my route home from Kingston on the K1 around 17:30 on Tuesday evening. No mention of the disruption at Tolworth roundabout. This will last for 9 months, so status on website needs to be updated NOW. Website still claims "no disruption" on K1 route. Was total chaos on Tuesday. If I'd known, would have chosen a different route home.
Thank you for taking the time to email. With the proximity of A3 and A240 historically this area has experienced high volumes of traffic. New developments are putting pressure on an already congested neighbourhood. While these developments support growth in the area, it is anticipated that traffic volumes are also likely to increase . Consequently, improvements to the road network around the Tolworth roundabout were proposed. Transport for London (TfL) consulted on these proposals in late 2019/early 2020. and it was accepted that increasing lanes and widening some junctions would improve the traffic flow and bus journey times. Both TfL and FM Conway have taken into consideration the effect these works will have locally when planning the traffic management. One of the mitigating measures was to undertake the work in phases. The phase which is having the most impact on your immediate location should be completed by mid-May 2023. However, it was always clear that even with careful preparation, roadworks at such a busy intersection will have an impact on the surrounding area, and we apologise for that. All the traffic management planning has been reviewed and approved by TfL’s Construction Management Team before the works commenced. Amongst other considerations the team would have assessed whether the residents of the Sunray Estate had points of access and egress, especially with the increased traffic during school times. Both Barnsbury Lane and Vincent Avenue should be available for residents during this phaUnfortuse in our works. Local schools were informed and I expect they have in turn notified their parents. We appreciate the frustration of motorists and bus passengers when it appears that areas are seemingly cordoned off unnecessarily. This is for the protection of our work force who will be effectively working in live traffic. Please rest assured we take your comments seriously. Members of our project team will be on site regularly and will consider amendments to the traffic management layouts when and if improvements can be made safely.
Kind regards Transport for London
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by TfL at 14:25, Fri 21 April 2023
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