Graffiti on bus shelter
Reported via Android in the Graffiti on stop or shelter (Acid Damage) category anonymously at 09:50, Sat 6 May 2023
Sent to TfL 3 days, 5 hours, 8 minutes later. TfL ref: FMS4523084.
Graffiti on bus shelter
State changed to: In progress
Updated by TfL at 21:42, Mon 8 May 2023
Thank you for your report. We will now assign this to the relevant team to investigate.
State changed to: Open
Posted by TfL at 14:57, Tue 9 May 2023
Category changed from ‘Graffiti / Flyposting on stop or shelter (non-offensive)’ to ‘Graffiti on stop or shelter (Acid Damage)’
Posted by TfL at 14:57, Tue 9 May 2023
Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. You will be pleased to know that our routine inspections had already picked up this issue and it has been resolved. Our routine inspections had already picked up this issue and it has been resolved.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by TfL at 08:08, Fri 12 May 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.