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Road Works

Reported via desktop in the Roadworks category anonymously at 13:27, Wed 31 May 2023

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS4615219.

Comments: Having taken the M4 to London and across to The Embankment it would have been appreciated if there had been early information available to indicate that it was not possible to make a right turn to access any of the bridges to reach Battersea car park for the Chelsea Flower Show. I am writing to complain about the return journey from Battersea and disastrous decision to take an alternative route back to the M4. Having left Battersea car park at approximately 4.30pm it took until about 8.00pm to get to Kew Bridge/M4 on 25th May 2023. Firstly was the poor information available about roadworks and alternatives to using the A 205 to access the M4 ( ie to go through Richmond). It took several hours in the end just to travel a short distance especially towards Kew Bridge due the roadworks and the joining traffic along the route having priority, together with the short allowance of movement, when on green, at the various traffic lights along the way. Not knowing the area it was difficult to decide what to do about the situation once caught up in all the traffic. There were lots of incidents with cars on wrong side of road wanting to turn left and weaving motorbikes. It was awful and surely not the only people affected by this visiting London.. Route Number: A3220/A3/A205 Traveling To: Battersea Park to Kew Bridge M4

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