Overgrown hedges AGAIN
Reported via mobile in the Pavement Overcrowding category anonymously at 09:20, Mon 7 August 2023
Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS4865071.
Hedges both road side and pavement need cutting down as they are dangerously high you can’t see wether a bike is coming when coming from roadside and you can’t park your car fully in the white lines as the hedges stick out to much. It’s a hazard to both pedestrians and cyclists!!!
Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. As this doesn't specifically relate to pavement overcrowding, we are unable to deal with this through Streetcare. You may wish to contact our customer services team on 0343 222 1234 or by using this web form: help-and-contact/ contact-us-about-streets-and-other-road-issues who will be able to help you with this matter.
State changed to: Internal referral
Posted by TfL at 14:11, Tue 8 August 2023
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