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Pedestrian light timings

Reported via mobile in the Roadworks category anonymously at 10:19, Tue 26 September 2023

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS5032250.

A previous problem was reported under TfL ref: FMS4995563. the response provided no details around what was done to improve timings for traffic lights for pedestrians. Please can you respond on this point specifically.

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  • Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. You will be pleased to know that at present the timing of the lights is under review, we are waiting for the results of this. We will provide an update once the review has taken place. If the issue persists, please raise another report or contact our customer services team on 0343 222 1234.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by TfL at 10:37, Tue 26 September 2023

  • Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. Our engineers have checked the timing for the pedestrian lights and have confirmed that the timings are correct, but we continue to monitor the situation. If the issue persists, please raise another report or contact our customer services team on 0343 222 1234.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by TfL at 08:48, Wednesday 11 September 2024

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