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Bus stop is open (says it's closed)

Reported via desktop in the Countdown - not working category anonymously at 16:13, Fri 27 October 2023

Sent to TfL 3 hours, 4 minutes later. TfL ref: FMS5145254.

This bus stop reopened last week but still reports that it is closed on both the bus countdown at the stop and in apps such as TfL Go. Can this be updated to open now, this is for both stops MP and MQ (Tunnel Avenue) on Blackwall lane.

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  • Thank you for taking the time to report this to. We appreciate this an wanted to let you know that we’ve re-categorised this and it will now be directed to the appropriate team.

    Category changed from ‘Incorrect timetable information’ to ‘Countdown - not working’

    Posted by TfL at 19:17, Fri 27 October 2023

  • Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. We can confirm that the fault with this Countdown unit has now been resolved. Should you need anything else regarding this Countdown unit, please contact customer services.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by TfL at 10:35, Tue 31 October 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.