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Manhole Cover Rocking constantly

Reported via mobile in the Drain Cover - Missing or Damaged category anonymously at 17:05, Wednesday 7 February 2024

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS5545165.

Manhole Cover Rocking constantly Reported via desktop in the Manhole Cover - Damaged (rocking or noisy) category anonymously at 00:49, Sun 29 October 2023

Sent to TfL 2 days, 6 hours, 58 minutes later. TfL ref: FMS5148381.

THhis still hasnt been fixed

Photo of this reportzoom Photo of this reportzoom The manhole cover is located outside Boots Opticians 46 Tooting High Street, London, SW17 0RG. There are 2 covers, the one causing the problem (again) is the one nearest the middle of the road. This will be either the 2nd or third time this has happened in recent times. It is causing a noise nuisance as it is right out side my bedroom window plus there are other bedrooms that face onto the High Street on either side of the road. Please fix this and can you try and make sure that it stays fixed this time plesae as it is getting tiresome reporting this yet again. Thank you.

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  • Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. We appreciate this. This has now been investigated and we’ve reported this to our contractors. If the area of the drain cover is identified as a safety issue it will be made safe within four hours. If it isn't a safety issue, we will aim to resolve it within 28 days. Should you need anything else, or have any questions, you may wish to contact our customer services team on 0343 222 1234.

    Please also be aware that all Action Scheduled reports are automatically closed after 28 days. However, we aim to fix the fault within this timescale, which may be sooner, or in a few cases take a little longer.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by TfL at 17:08, Wednesday 7 February 2024

  • It is now 7 months since I first contacted you about the rocking drain cover outside my bedroom window (FMS5148381) which was slated as 'fixed' but was not even looked at! SInce then, I have contacted you by phone about 4 times, was given a new Reference No: FMS5545165 back in Fabruary 2024 and still it has not been fixed. This constant noise has affected my ability to sleep and is now unbearable! I am slowly losing my mind! This cannot continue any more. If this is not fixed URGENTLY, I will be taking this matter further. My Granddaughter tried to stay overnight recently but had to go home in the early hours of the morning because of the constant 'banging and rattling' of the drain cover. That was the last straw! No more delays and promises! Fix this now before I completely lose it! Thank you.

    Posted anonymously at 18:29, Tuesday 14 May 2024

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