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No signage to show merge of lanes at junction

Reported via mobile in the Worn out road markings category anonymously at 20:25, Thu 28 March 2024

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS5780152.

The junction goes from 3 lanes to 2 lanes at it crosses the traffic lights at the junction. There is a single white painted arrow on the road to show merge of 2 of the lanes into one, but these can only be seen when directly in front of them. There is no signage at all on the approach to the junction or traffic lights to show that it is expected for lanes to merge. This causes cars to become stuck in between two lanes of 50pmh traffic. Really needs advanced signage to show the reduction in lanes and merge. Currently without signage it isn’t meeting signage standards for this type of junction/road layout. Please could signage be added to avoid accidents and issues each day.

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    Updated by TfL at 12:34, Thu 4 April 2024

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