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Reported via desktop in the Pavement Overcrowding category anonymously at 09:34, Wednesday 17 April 2024

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS5863373.

They permanently have their bins on pavement which is overspilling causing alot of flying debris. Looks unsightly- are they allowed to do this especially as the black bin pickups are fortnightly and do not take bags of rubbish left over from the bins . Westhorne Avenue is looking like a tip so unsightly and disgusting.

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  • Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. The issue relates to litter collection and removal. This is the responsibility of the local borough under the Environmental Protection Act. If the problem is still there, you may wish to report it to them via, or by contacting them directly. Should you need anything else please contact our customer services team on 0343 222 1234

    State changed to: not TfL’s responsibility

    Posted by TfL at 12:50, Tuesday 23 April 2024

  • Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. The issue relates to litter collection and removal. This is the responsibility of the local borough under the Environmental Protection Act. If the problem is still there, you may wish to report it to them via, or by contacting them directly. Should you need anything else please contact our customer services team on 0343 222 1234

    Posted by TfL at 12:50, Tuesday 23 April 2024

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