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Bus stop names incorrect

Reported via desktop in the Damage - other (bus stops and shelters) category anonymously at 22:45, Thursday 23 May 2024

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS6013957.

The current pair of bus stops are named incorrectly as Sungate Cottages is an old name that is no longer used for the houses here, hence you won't see any signs of it other than on the bus stops themselves! In addition, these are private residences not public amenities. Please consider changing the stop names to 'Collier Row Road/Footpath 19' (a well signed and recognised public footpath located right next to the bus stops) or something similar to reference exactly where they are located. Thanks!

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  • State changed to: No further action

    Updated by TfL at 12:12, Friday 24 May 2024

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