Traffic light stuck on red
Reported via mobile in the Stuck on red category anonymously at 09:25, Saturday 10 August 2024
Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS6338765.
Due the traffic light being stuck on red it is causing light traffic building up. No divers know when its safe ro go and have to make a judgement to go through not knowing how safe it actually is.
This is also causing pedestrian issue as there saftty is compromised due to the lights not working properly or freezing.
Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. Your report has been investigated and we can confirm that there is a fault with these traffic lights. We have therefore referred this to our contractors and as it is classed as an emergency it will be fixed or made safe within 24 hours. Should you need anything else or have any questions please contact customer services on 0343 222 1234
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by TfL at 09:45, Saturday 10 August 2024
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