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Overgrown trees, bushes and hedges along Gunnersbury Ave

Reported via desktop in the Overgrown vegetation category by Dom Chappell at 14:33, Wednesday 14 August 2024

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS6355950.

Councillor Biddolph (London Borough of Hounslow) has reported overgrown trees and vegetation, please see query below:

A large number of bushes, hedges and trees are overhanging the pavement along Gunnersbury Avenue. This is making it hard for pedestrians to walk along and for cyclists to cycle along - without them being forced out to the side of the pavement, reducing the space for walking.

I have been asked by several people to do something about this. Declaration: this is also where I live though I am reporting this on behalf of others.

Given that part of the pavement is shared space with cyclists (between Chiswick roundabout and Princes Avenue) this makes it dangerous for pedestrians who find themselves unintentionally taking up the only space available, clashing with cyclists who are also entitled to use the pavement.

Given that, in some places, overhanging branches extend far across the pavement and at quite a low level, this makes it very difficult and dangerous for cyclists who will have to duck or swerve.

Please can the bushes, hedges and trees be cut back.

The problem starts at the corner of Gunnersbury Lane and Gunnersbury Avenue where a hedge extends over the pavement around the whole turn of the corner, narrowing the space for walking and making it intimidating at night.

There are numerous houses where the overgrowth is a problem.

Part of the problem, near Power Road Bridge, could be TfL land so I'd be grateful if you would ask TfL to act, as appropriate.

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  • Your report has been investigated and we have reported this to our contractors for inspection. Any necessary action will be taken in the next 28 days if required. Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. Should you need anything else or have any questions please contact customer services on 0343 222 1234

    To note all Action Scheduled reports are auto closed after 28 days, the fault however will be fixed within the timescale stated above which may be sooner or in a few cases take a little longer.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by TfL at 17:01, Friday 16 August 2024

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