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Terminating buses

Reported via mobile in the Incorrect timetable information category anonymously at 08:24, Tuesday 15 October 2024

Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS6615758.

The bus line 173 is the most irregular bus in the borough of barking and dagenham as well as the borough of redbridge. The buses are every 15 minutes and are always full as there are at least 4 educational settings of the durection towards King George Hospital. Bus times are not correct, and most of the time the bus takes at least 30 minutes to come to Dagenham Heathway and it can take up to an hour of drive to get to the borough of redbridge. Most of the time the bus doesnt ever reach the final destination and it terminates at Chadwell heath, this is very not cooperative as the information gets changed very late to which it makes it very inconvenient for the passengers on the bus as they require to get off and wait for another one which most of the time is 7-15 minutes away!!!

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  • Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. It was investigated by our team and regrettably we are unable to resolve it through Streetcare. In light of this, you may wish to contact our customer services team on 0343 222 1234 or by using this link fill out this form.

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted by TfL at 22:52, Tuesday 22 October 2024

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