Belisha Beacons not operational for a long time
Reported via mobile in the All out - three or more street lights in a row category anonymously at 23:53, Monday 6 January 2025
Sent to TfL less than a minute later. TfL ref: FMS6942230.
Belisha Beacons are not flashing.. Poor visibility due to street furniture, Thick CCTV mast and Cabinet, Shell garage flag and bollards hide shorter people due to the angle of approach. Have video to show if required. Pedestrian crossing road sign light not working. General poor visibility for vehicles on the roundabout and turning left onto the Hook North Rise Slip. Issue has existed for over month.
Thank you for taking the time to report this to us. It is much appreciated. This has now been investigated and we’ve reported this to our contractors. They will attend or investigate within three days. If a repair is required, we will aim do that within 14 days. If this issue is related to a power outage this may take longer. Should you need anything else or have any questions, please contact customer services on 0343 222 1234.
Please also be aware that all Action Scheduled reports are automatically closed after 28 days. However, we aim to fix the fault within this timescale, which may be sooner, or in a few cases take a little longer.
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by TfL at 00:01, Tuesday 7 January 2025
Thank you for fixing the belisha beacon and the pedestrian crossing sign. I noticed they were working again after 3-4 days of reporting the issue however they stopped working again after a few days of operation. This is a photo from 16th Jan. I have been regularly checking and not seen them repaired so I thought it best I report it again. Ironically the unlit pedestrian crossing sign appears to block the view of one of the globes. Thank you for the quick response previously.
Posted anonymously at 20:34, Tuesday 4 February 2025
The action scheduled for your report should now have been completed as detailed in your previous response. On some occasions it does take a little longer than scheduled. If you have any further queries on this, please either create a new report or contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0343 222 1234
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by TfL at 05:32, Wednesday 5 February 2025
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.