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Timetable is for incorrect route and bus 346 not displayed on bus stop

Reported via mobile in the Damage - other (bus stops and shelters) category anonymously at 16:21, Tuesday 4 February 2025

Sent to TfL 2 days, 23 hours, 39 minutes later. TfL ref: FMS7085661.

Route 648 timetable is displayed. Does this route exist at this bus stop? Also route 346 timetable is not displayed and should be. Bus numbers incorrect on top of bus stop also. Bus stop in question is Stop F outside St Francis Hospice shop. It has been wrong since a new cabinet for timetable was installed.

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  • Thank you for taking the time to report this to. We appreciate this an wanted to let you know that we’ve re-categorised this and it will now be directed to the appropriate team.

    Category changed from ‘Incorrect timetable information’ to ‘Damage - other (bus stops and shelters)’

    Posted by TfL at 16:00, Friday 7 February 2025

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